The Note Book Day 1

Sometimes I struggle to take a photograph, I can’t seem to motivate my self but when I start clicking the struggle disappears.
I was thinking about my dad and how he would always carry a note book and just sketch whenever he felt inspired. Then I found myself listening to “The Blue Notes” (15 Years ) Max Richter. A series of pieces of music with the occasional tap tap tap of a type writer and then a voice talking, it’s just a few lines, it’s someone typing and narrating what their thoughts.
There was something really interesting about this and it gave me the idea or a challenge to myself, to try and find something that captures my attention enough to photograph it and then to reflect on my feelings or thoughts or what emotion is provoked inside.
So here’s the first of my daily notes.
Friday 1st of February 2019 approx 1pm in the afternoon
Upon returning home, I took my camera out of my bag, I looked at a book, I had just bought called Ikigai The Japanese secret to a long and happy life, it looked peaceful with the white background of the table so click, I then snapped around the room randomly clicking at things that make me feel good, inspire me and are part of my life, I then looked out of the window at a small patch of snow that had not quiet melted and it made me smile.

Fantastic – all of them. you are a talented man, MM. from an old friend
Thank you so much Bill, I hope you are well, would be amazing to catch up some time. all the best