In search of selfie
I have embarked on a new project, a lot of this has to do with being comfortable with taking a portrait. I am not comfortable with taking my own picture or having my picture taken – very strange but I just don’t like being in front of the camera.
So the exercise and project is finding out if taking a self portrait will make me better at taking portraits. Will it help me to be more comfortable taking a picture of someone else? I generally try and take pictures of people while trying to stay anonymous and capture something more natural.
Some people love having their picture taken and are naturally great in front of the camera. They are able to relax and show you something natural about themselves, then there are those like me who automatically shut down and feel awkward. So my reasoning is that if I can overcome feeling awkward and become comfortable in taking my own picture, I can try and understand what it is that makes someone relax in front of a camera. That way I can try and get something more from a person and capture something real or true about that person as part of the essence.
My project is to try and invite people to join me in having a selfie / self portrait. I will be traveling quite a bit this year and I would like to try and meet up with as many people that I can and ask them to join me in having our picture taken.
A few friends around the world have already started to try and help me in planning a rendezvous but I’m also happy to meet with individuals, groups of friends or as many people that can join me in one shoot. Dogs or pets are also very welcome to join in.
I will be posting the idea on my website and social media in the hope that I can connect with people during my travels, if you spot me or recognise me I would love to be asked to have a self portrait with you.
I look forward to selfing and hope you can be part of my project.
we’ll take a picture with you, if you come to Marthas vineyard!
Thank you Annabelle, sounds like a trip to Marthas vineyard is on the horizon