Listening Hands, The Conversation Continues
The reason I love studying Martial Arts is because it is so much more that people think. You watch an action or martial arts film and you see people moving around blocking, punching and kicking and it’s portrayed as a powerful weapon used to defeat an opponent. But what you see is a visual version of what hides behind this system of exercise and self-Defence.
I love exercising and training and how and what it makes you feel. Training in martial arts bridges the body’s physicality, the power of the mind and its senses and makes them work as one. It can be a complete system of being and eventually a way of live.
I say this with a caveat because there are many types of martial arts styles and interpretations. Some are external where physicality assumes great importance. Others, more soft and internal, are located at a different range of the spectrum. I study Wing Chun, a style that sits somewhere in the middle where we strive to incorporate internal, softer elements into our practice.
In the practice of Chi Sau Sticking hands / Listening Hands we try to operate without tension and concentrate on listening.
It is in the practice of listening that you become aware. Your senses have to be developed and heightened beyond that of your opponent. It’s important to listen so you can react and I am bringing this philosophy into other aspects of my life.
It has made me aware that I should listen to everything – a loved one trying to communicate and my reactions to friends, family and work colleagues. It serves as a reminder not to act or react out of impulse and to bring thoughts into all my actions.
Listening Hands the conversation continues : ” Don’t Think Feel ” Bruce Lee
Sharing a Few more Photographs from a recent trip to Hong Kong, I don’t normally post videos but I came across a few on my phone from the wonderful afternoon I shared with my friends in Tamar Park.
Sharing A Link to a Short Video In Hong Kong Tamar Park :