My passions are split between martial arts and photography. They are both part of me and over time they have become one.
Martial Arts (rather than the art of fighting) has become my art of being and trying to conduct myself. It is about how I use my body and try to use my thoughts in a positive way.
Daily practice guides me, I think it teaches me how to flow through life. My goal is no longer overcoming a superior force or learning how to defend myself. I think of every practice as a way of being/meditating dealing with energy and reacting without fighting force. I try to be aware, to not resist and to react in a natural way.
It has led me down a stoic path of questioning and discovery but trying to accept without resentment. One could say I am aspiring to the path of Wu Wei the act of non-doing.
My natural instinct is to resist and fight energy but I try to be aware and release it. (We say in training ‘loosen/relax, let it go or redirect’).
I try to treat Photography in the same way. I try to listen, feel and become aware. I try to find my image or opportunity and then comes decisive moment of the photo, the magical moment when you catch something that you could never imagine but it’s there because you are subconsciously present and relaxed in a state of flowing with the energy that surrounds you. You are at one with nature and the surroundings and you are then able to see, to feel, to anticipate without knowing or realising – almost as if something is guiding you.
The feeling is martial, it’s that moment when you no longer feel like it is an effort and you are in complete control. You are in the magical zone.
Then boom! Another wall.
Do I shoot analogue or digital? What camera shall I use? What feel do I want to give to my images? Will using a particular camera brand give strength to the platform of my project? These questions fill my head. You release and allow the thoughts and energy to move through you. I don’t fight them and I won’t let them stop me. I listen.